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Jens-Peter Meesenburg

Division X @ Telia Company

Jens-Peter has over 20 years of experience from the IT and Telecom space, focusing on the balance between technical feasibility, business viability and user desirability. At Telia Company Jens-Peter is part of Division X and heads Enterprise IoT in Denmark. Division X is the emerging businesses division of Telia Company that combines corporate power with a start-up attitude.


Kristian Jaldemark


Kristian is Head of Development at Carmenta Automotive and has 20 years of experience from advanced system development with a focus on the integration and use of geographical information and geospatial analysis in mission-critical IT systems. In recent years he is leading a team developing cloud based command and control system for connected and automated vehicles.


Niklas Lundin


Niklas has a broad background from mobile broadband, to public transport to verification of autonomous vehicles. Running organisations and projects pushing new technology is where the fun is. Niklas is currently project manager in the Einride team working towards the first trial on public roads in Sweden.

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Malin Andersson

Urban Transport Administraion, City of Gothenburg

Has been working with infrastructure and city planning at national, regl and local levels, always with sustainable development as a leading star and with science as a basis for decisions. She has a record in urban planning, strategic environmental assessments (SEA), environmental impact assessments (EIA) both as consultant and national expert at the former National Rail Administration. Since 2013 Malin has had leading positions in the City of Gothenburg, Urban Transport Administration.


Annika Elfström

Stena Digital Transformation Lab

Stena Digital Transformation Lab


Katarina Brud


Katarina Brud heads MobilityXlab which is a new initiative by CEVT, Ericsson, Veoneer, Volvo Car Group, Volvo Group, Zenuity with the focus to create a plattform for startups, scale ups and MobilityXlab’s corporate partners to meet and spark new innovations within the field of mobility. The initative is hosted by Lindholmen Science Park. Katarina has a background from both the corporate world, as well as the startup scene, and is now passionate in merging these two worlds together.


Isak Monrad-Aas


The new Swedish EV – From idea to production in three years  - How can a big idea be realized by a small team?  - How can companies explore the digital era? - How do you build community around your idea and how does that impact your project??


Göran Johansson


Göran is a Professor at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers. He has been working on superconducting quantum computers since 2000 and he is currently heading the Applied Quantum Physics laboratory. He is also responsible for the theory and software development for the quantum computer being built in the newly started Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology.  


Jonathan Abon

HERE Technologies

Head of Open Location Platform, Product Group. Spent 15+ in the telecom industry doing engineering, strategy, marketing, and product management of mission-critical scalable complex hardware and software systems. Has launched and managed several Big Data analytics cloud platforms used in telecom, retail, financial services, and other vertical markets. Has a MSEE focusing on neural networking/artificial intelligence and an MBA focusing on international business strategy, marketing and finance.

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Per Utterbäck

Volvo Group

Senior Vice President for Volvo Group Strategy

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Henrik Nilson


Henrik has worked with change management in the space where transportation meets IT for the last 15 years. For the first 10 years his focus was on airlines and trains. During the last 5 years Henrik has dedicated his time to improving public transport.   Henrik was project manager for the development of the payment system and app Västtrafik To Go and is now CIO at Västtrafik. 


Henrik Sahlin

Ericsson Research

Henrik Sahlin is active within the section of antenna systems at Ericsson Research, Gothenburg, Sweden. He has actively participated in 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) standardization for LTE (Long Term Evolution) and NR (New Radio, 5G) and receiver algorithms in base stations and mobile devices for mobile standards from 2G to 5G. Currently Henrik is focusing on wireless communication for automotive applications and use cases. 


Charlotte Eisner


Working internationally with e-mobility and charging technology since 2013. Co-founder and CEO of a Swedish charging technology company for several years, and now with global responsibility for market development within e-mobility for automotive supplier giant DEFA. Holds a position as board member of ElectriCITY and is responsible for sustainable transport within that testbed. Board member of  First North listed Awardit AB,  a loyalty systems developer.

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Per Österström

Business Region Göteborg

Head of Transport & Automotive Industry at Business Region Göteborg since 2014. Held different management positions within the Telecom, IT and Automotive sector at Ericsson, Cap Gemini and Ingemansson, working both in Sweden, Holland, China and USA. Since 2016, Per is member of the board at Telematics Valley and active in several advisory boards connected to Automotive and ICT. Per is an experienced speaker within his field and interacts with decision makers from the entire triple helix.


Christoffer Sellberg


Has worked as advisor in Deal Advisory with focus on financial and operational Due Diligence since 2006. He has participated in and lead a number of complex advisory assignment for Privat Equity customers and has experience from manufaturing, automotive and technology sectors nationally and internationally. Christoffer drives since 2013 the business development and has a broad experience from strategic discussions on managemen level.


Martin Rosell


Martin has served several companies with focus on software as the technology enabler, DFDS Tor Line, Hewlett-Packard, Agile Software, Danaher Motion and currently WirelessCar, gaining nearly 40 years of experience from software development to CEO roles-  the question is not what you can do but rather how you do it!​


Katarina Cornelius


Former global marketing director and entrepreneur. Works in a global arena as facilitator, coach and accelerator within businessdriven transformation. Moves companies and organizations into the new digital networked paradigme. 


Benny Guttman

Roland Berger

Joined Roland Berger in 2017. His earlier career is a mix of top tier consulting and senior executive positions in the automotive and logistics space. Benny's work is focused around strategic and operational improvements for international corporations in the manufacturing, med-tech and retail industries with a spike in automotive. Spent 8 years at the Volvo Group, the last six  he was Senior Vice President at Volvo Logistics where he headed Strategy, Corporate Values and Operational Development.


Frode Kjos


Frode is head of Acando Norway´s Smart Transportation program. He is an appreciated speaker often used to talk at conferences within the area of disrupted mobility and has given advice at C-level to European car makers as well as other players in the ecosystem.


Chairman Johan Amoruso-Wennerby





Mölndalsvägen 30A




Org no. 857209-5514

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